Emma's Story

Win £25 York Gift Card by inspiring others to switch to greener and healthier travel habits

BetterPoints York allows everyone who lives, works or studies in York to earn BetterPoints and win prizes for walking, cycling and taking the bus. One such prize is the 'iTravel Inspiration'. Emma was chosen as our latest winner and received a £25 York Gift Card for sharing her story. For your chance to win £25, download the app via the buttons or QR code at the bottom of the page!

Emma used to drive to work every day. Now, with a change of job and the motivation of the BetterPoints York challenge, she is commuting on foot or by bus religiously. Here is what she had to say:

“I came across the challenge whilst out and about in York. I was drawn to the idea of earning rewards for my travel choices.
When I first moved up to York from Kent I was working outside of the city. I was driving to and from work. I explored how I could get there sustainably but it would have required two buses and a lengthy cycle ride.
It got to the point though where I needed to commute by some way other than car. I used to walk or take public transport a lot back when I was a teenager. It was something I longed for, so I decided to get a job in the centre of York that was closer to get to.
Now I do a combination of walking and bus to work. I will often block my days together in the office so that I go in on the bus with my heavy bag at the beginning of the week, then walk there and back for the next couple of days, before getting the bus home with my bag the following day.
I take the number 2 bus from Rawcliffe Bar Park & Ride. The service runs frequently so I never have to leave the house with a particular bus in mind.
When I walk it is about 35 minutes each way. If I head into town on my lunch break I will end up clocking up 7 miles of walking a day. It is great exercise and allows me to listen to a podcast. I would rather go into the office than work from home because I really enjoy the routine, it’s fabulous!
The app has been a real bonus. I didn’t initially realise that I could earn rewards for taking the bus as well as walking and cycling. When I discovered this I was delighted. You can leave the tracking on 24/7 and not have to worry about your phone’s battery life. It’s easy to use and highly motivating.
It’s not just me that’s benefiting either, my husband walks to the station and takes the train to work 3 times a week, whilst my son’s girlfriend won a York Gift Card by riding the bus into town. She was very smug about it!
Our lifestyles have completely changed. Whilst we have a car it is rarely used, only for long journeys.
I’ve lost a bit of weight from all of the walking. It gives me a buzz and generally makes me feel happier. My colleagues will pick up on this, they will say, ‘you’ve walked into the office haven’t you?’. There is a noticeable difference in mood between those that have driven in and those that have walked, cycled or got the bus.”

If Emma's story has inspired you to try using your car less, you can join BetterPoints York by downloading our free app via the buttons or QR below. You will automatically join the challenge if your home postcode is in York but you can also join if you commute into the city - use the referral code yorkooa when registering an account.

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