Alanna registered to BetterPoints York and pledged to leave her car at home in return for a York by bus smartcard loaded with 5 days of free bus travel. She kindly took the time to tell us about her bus travel experience and that of the app.
There is no better time to join BetterPoints York, as we are giving away a folding electric bike worth £1,424! To get involved, download the app via the App Store or Google Play or by scanning the QR code at the bottom of the page.
How often would you use the bus before you signed up to BetterPoints?
“I would use the bus very occasionally. Using the smartcard has been a good reminder of how easy it is to take the bus. Instinctively I would jump in the car and drive as I thought it was more convenient.
As I was able to travel for free, I thought I might as well give the bus a proper go, and it has been an eye-opener. It’s so easy!
What has your recent bus experience been like?
“I live in the Tang Hall area and there is a stop just around the corner from my house for the number 6 bus. It sounds silly but I hadn’t appreciated how many different places I could get to by bus. For one, I was surprised I could go all the way to Clifton Moor Leisure Park.
I’d assumed the bus would be a slower way to get in, but I’m in town in 10 minutes. The First buses are bang on time. It is definitely quicker than the car when you consider the time spent finding a parking space and buying a parking ticket.
They are nice and clean too and you can charge your phone on them. The journey allows me to listen to some music and switch off for a bit. It has been a pleasant experience all round.
It is strange to say considering I’ve lived in York for almost 10 years and have been to the city centre numerous times, but heading in on the bus lately has made me realise how beautiful it is. It’s a really nice place to be and easy to get to by bus.
How have your travel habits changed since using your smartcard?
“The major change has been that I’ll now use the bus every time I go into the city centre, which is usually one or two times a week. Previously I would drive, often to one of the out-of-town retail parks instead.
I only use the car a couple of times a week for longer journeys. I’ve noticed that I’m not filling up the car nearly as often, which is helping the finances.
What have you made of using the BetterPoints app?
“I’ve been using BetterPoints for about 6 months now. As well as the smartcard I won a £10 York Gift Card. I looked at where I could redeem it and decided to treat myself to brunch at Rise in Fossgate, which I hadn’t been to before. It was amazing! I definitely pay more attention to independent places in York now.
Knowing I can be rewarded for not getting in the car has made me more mindful to try alternatives when I can. It has also been good for my wellbeing. When working from home it can be easy to stay inside throughout the day. The app gives you a reason to get outside and go for walk, even for just 10 or 15 minutes. I definitely feel better for it.”
To join BetterPoints York, simply download the free BetterPoints app via the buttons or QR code below and register an account with your York postcode. If you live outside but commute in please enter the referral code: yorkooa.